Medicinal Garden Kit

Medicinal Garden Kit by Dr. Nicole Apelian

How to Grow a Complete Backyard Pharmacy Using Only 10 Plants and 6 Feet of Space.

My Medicinal Seed Garden Kit fits nicely into your backyard with the most incredible, aromatic herbs you need for your own home pharmacy. Imagine stepping out into your own backyard and picking the medicinal plants and herbs you need to create tinctures, salves, teas, and poultices.

Planting a medicinal herb garden will bring new and exciting aspects to your green world. In this kit you will find the seeds of 10 medicinal plants you want to have close by. There are thousands of medicinal plants out there, but in most cases, these 10 herbs provide the canvas of healthy benefits you need. All of them can be grown on a very small plot in your backyard. You can also save some for planting next year!

My Medicinal Garden Kit has no added chemicals, genetic modifications, or any other alterations. Even if you’ve never planted anything before, you’ll have no trouble growing the plants in this package. If you live in the USA, try it and see! 

Medicinal Garden Kit by Dr. Nicole Apelian

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